Thursday, September 4, 2008

marriage tag

I saw this on a friends blog and thought it was a good get to know me post. Enjoy.

How long have you been married? 9 years

Where were you married? Las Vegas, NV Temple

Honeymoon? Two nights at the Four Seasons, but we went to Hawaii after we were married for 3 years and I always say that was our honeymoon.

How old is your spouse? 40, he robed the cradle hehe

Kids? 2 girls

Who eats more? Derk does, except when I'm pregnant.

Who said I love you first? Derk did I didn't say it til the night he proposed. It was before he proposed.

Who is taller? Derk

Who sings better? Me, he was once picked out of a group and told that he was tone death and not to sing.

Who is smarter? Depends.

Who controls the T.V. remote? Me

Whose temper is worse? Depends. I don't think either of us are that bed but it does depend on how much sleep we've gotten.

Who does the laundry? Both.

Who does the dishes? Both.

Who sleeps on the right side of the bed? Derk

Who cooks dinner? Both.

Who is more stubborn? Me

Who is the first to admit when they are wrong? Derk, there has to be enough evidence to prove that I am wrong.

Whose parents do you see the most? About the same now that mine are back from their mission.

Who has more siblings? Derk with 13, I have 8 and thought that was a big family.

Who wears the pants in the family? Me.

I tag: Anybody who reads this.


Kevin and Natali McKee said...

Hey Katrina, I found your blog today. :)

Kevin and Natali McKee said...

How interesting. Was that putting it on or helping her pee? Was she scared about it being on?

Audrey Taylor said...

What a cute survey. I wanted to thank you for calling this morning. You are so thoughtful!