Monday, August 18, 2008

mornings with maile

There are things my kids say that just make me laugh. This morning Maile was on a role. I know this won't even do it justice on how cute she was being but I will try. She has had a runny nose so she talks with the stuffed up nasal voice and says "My head hurts, I am going to lay down. I need 2 vita c (vitamin c)." So I asked her how old she was and she said, " two and a half. No I six like Keilana. I a big girl." Then as I am walking away to get her the vitamin c she says, "I Katrina's girl." What a little ham, she knows what to say to make me laugh. And boy is she CUTE!!!


Audrey Taylor said...

I am soooo glad that you have a blog! I am going to read up on you all of the time. Be sure to post pictures of your kiddies too. This is going to be important for when you become preg again..

The Noorda Monkeys said...

i love maile!!! she is so cute!!! if only she would let me hold her!!!!

K said...

Ahhhh Maile! She's so cute! Thanks for continuing to blog. Can't wait for photos of the girls. PS...I love that I actually got to see you and Keilana on screen. How's Keilana liking kindergarten?

Audrey Taylor said...

Hay girl! No taking a week vacation from your blog. You need to keep us informed...