Wednesday, August 13, 2008

big sister to the rescue

We were at my sister Julia’s the other day for Caprice’s farewell party. Everyone was swimming and having a great time. Keilana and Maile are really getting good at swimming as long as they have the floaties on that is. So we had been swimming for a while and I had gotten out and Maile came over and said she was cold. I asked her if she wanted to get back in and she said no so I took her floaties off and put a towel around her. We were all visiting and next thing we knew Keilana was calling for us to help her get Maile out of the water!!! Maile had decided she wanted to get back in the pool. She just jumped in no floaties and Keilana and Charity pulled her out. With all the people there and the 5 year olds saved the day!!! Now in the next few years when Maile is getting on Keilana’s nerves I can say, “Be nice to your sister. She saved your life.” Aren’t sisters the greatest!!!


Darci Buhl said...

You have a blog! I love it:)

Audrey Taylor said...

Yes, sisters are the best.

Shaul Family said...

WOW! That is reall scary. Glad she is okay.