Monday, May 4, 2009

boy oh boy

We went to the doctor today and it has been confirmed we are having a BOY!!! It was a good appointment not much happened in fact I think the doctor spent more time playing with the kids then talking to me. But as the doctor said that's the kind of appointment you want at this point in time, that means there isn't anything wrong with the baby.
The girls are both doing good. They are excited to be getting a brother. I am still not feeling much movement but he is sitting closer to my spine so I think that is why. I don't think there is much more going on that is worth sharing. But I will post if there is I am feeling great so the computer is no longer a thing I refuse to use.


Audrey Taylor said...

Good Lovie, because I enjoy reading about you!

Stephanie said...

Where are the prego pictures????? Hope you had a great Mothers Day!